Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Gold and Glitter Steer Skull

Let's start our DIY projects with an easy but fabulous starter.

Now there are a few things that I always say are winning combinations and one of these are glitter and steer skulls. I got these cute gold steer skull ornaments from Hobby Lobby (one of my go to stores) in their after Christmas clearance.

So let's get down to business and start getting crafty!

What you need:
Steer Skull
Elmer's Rubber Cement
Glitter (I used soft pink)
Placemat or Scrap Paper

5 - 10 minutes

1. Make sure steer skull is clean of any dust or debris and dry.
2. Find a placemat or piece of paper to work on in case glue drips off and to ease clean up ofextra glitter at the end.
3. Paint on the rubber cement on the horns of the steer. Make sure to get in the nooks and crannies. Also, make sure that you evenly paint over the entire horn so you don't get any blank spots or globs later.
4. Pile on the glitter. Sprinkle over the horns evenly. I like to completely cover it from all sides to make sure that once dried it is nicely sparkling.
5. Let the glitter dry on the horns. I recommend letting it sit in the pile of sparkle for at least an hour.
6. Once you are comfortable that it's all dried remove it from the pile of glitter and lightly tap so excess glitter comes off.
7. Now it's time to display your even more fabulous steer skull and wait for all the compliments!

xoxo Redneck Princess RJ

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